New Service:
If you are a new resident to Gastonia (or the surrounding area where utilities are provided by the City of Gastonia or Two Rivers Utilities) please complete this application for service and allow two working days for us to process your request. If you are unable to complete the application online, click here to access the printable application that can be mailed or delivered to our office in person.
Please note that for rental property, all adult occupants (over age 18), other than the primary applicant, must complete a Co-Applicant Form for the utility service. To add or remove a co-applicant on your existing City of Gastonia or Two Rivers Utility Account, click here to access the Co-Applicant form. If you are unable to complete the co-applicant form online, click here to access a printable application that can be mailed or delivered to our office in person.
Because electricity, water, and sewer are billed after being used, we require that you establish credit before processing your application for new service. Credit checks are performed with each application to determine if a security deposit will be required. If a security deposit is required, it must be paid before utility service can be connected.
In addition to the application, you will also be required to provide the following:
- Proof of Legal Occupancy - required for the address for which you are requesting utility service.
- If owner of property: Closing statement or offer to purchase
- If rental property: Lease agreement or utility verification form. A sample utility verification form can be found here.
- Identity Verification - all primary applicants and co-applicants must complete the Customer Information section of the application (or the Co-Applicant form) and upload a clear image of a U.S. government issued ID (see below).
- If you do not have a U.S. government issued ID, you may complete and print the Identity Verification Form, and have it notarized, to include with your application.
Transfer Service:
If you are an existing City of Gastonia utility customer and are moving to a new residence also served by the City of Gastonia or Two Rivers Utilities, please submit your request online with our Transfer Utility Service Application. If you need to transfer service from a property owner or landlord for a residence into your name, and don't currently have an account, please use the Residential Utility Service Application.
A City of Gastonia Customer Service Representative will contact you regarding any deposit requirements or other documentation needed, if any. If you are unable to complete the transfer form online, click here to access a printable application that can be mailed or delivered to our office in person.
Please allow at least two (2) working days for your service request to be received and processed.
With changes adopted by City Council in September 2019, even existing customers will be required to provide proof of identity and proof of legal occupancy as outlined above for new customers.
Acceptable Forms of Identification and Identity Verification Form:
In order to apply for utility service, the City of Gastonia requires a U.S. issued photo ID or completed and notarized Identity Verification form. Acceptable forms of U.S. issued photo identification include driver's license, passport, identification card, military ID, permanent resident, or resident alien card. If none of these are available, click here to access the Identity Verification Form and instructions for use with your application.
Spanish Forms (Formularios en español
A continuación encontrará las versiones en español de los formularios mencionados anteriormente para establecer un nuevo servicio de servicios públicos o para transferir servicios de un lugar a otro:
Residential Utility Service - Aplicación de servicio de servicios públicos residenciales, haga clic aquí
Co-Applicant Form – Residential - Formulario de Co-Solicitante – Residencial, haga clic aquí
Non-Residential Utility Service - Servicio de servicios públicos no residenciales, haga clic aquí
Transfer Utility Service - Servicios publicos de transferencia, haga clic aquí
Non-Residential Transfer - Traslado no residencial, haga clic aquí
Identity Verification Form – Formulario de verificación de identidad, haga clic aquí
Deposit Guarantor Form - Formulario de Garantía de Depósito, haga clic aquí
Los formularios completados pueden enviarse por correo o entregarse a nuestra oficina en persona.
Property Managers
If you are a property manager, acting on behalf of an owner to establish, maintain and discontinue services with the City of Gastonia and Two Rivers Utilities, click here to access the online utility application.
Existing Service Locations
For situations where the property manager currently or previously has had service in their name for a particular location, very limited information is required to connect or disconnect services.
Regardless of the number of other accounts or properties with current utility services, you will be asked to complete an application, provide proof of ownership for the property, proof of property management authority and proper identification for the person making application. With regard to property management authority, you may provide information on letterhead, to include the detail listed below:
• Service Location Address
• Owner Name(s)
• Property Manager Name or Company
• Agent or Applicant Name
• Effective Date
• Signatures and Dates for both parties
Or, click here to access a form that can be completed and printed for the appropriate signatures.
For your convenience, all information and supporting documentation can be submitted securely online.
Contact Information:
Garland Business Center, 1st Floor
150 S. York Street, Gastonia, NC 28052
(PO Box 1748, Gastonia, NC 28053-1748)
704.866.6714 (office)
704.869.1055 (fax)
Email us with general questions and inquiries only.
For new or transferred service or to place a request to disconnect service, please use the Quick Links on the right to ensure we receive and confirm your request. Thank you!