As the lead agency for the Gastonia-Gaston Home Consortium, the City of Gastonia was awarded $2.8 million dollars as part of the HOME American Rescue Plan (HOME-ARP). The grant is from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and may be used to assist citizens with housing and housing-related services. In order to receive the funds, an allocation plan must be developed and include feedback from citizens and the community.
Who is eligible to receive grant assistance?
- Homeless Individuals and Families
- Individuals of families at-risk of losing housing
- Domestic Violence Victims
- Military Veterans
- Persons with very low incomes who are most likely to have unstable housing conditions
How can grant funds be used?
- Build or repair Affordable Housing
- Provide Tenant-Based Rental Assistance (TBRA) Vouchers
- Provide Homeless Prevention and Housing Counseling Services
- Create shelter space or Non-Congregate Shelter (NCS) where each individual or household has living space that offers some level of privacy. (examples: hotels or dormitories).
Note: The Non-Congregate Shelter (NCS) type will not replace the current emergency shelter.
What else can the grant be used for?
- Pay staff to manage the program
- Training and Development for non-profit organizations
What has taken place so far (timeline)?
- January 1 - 20, 2023: Community Survey.
- Tuesday, February 7, 2023 -10:00 am - 11:30 am: Non-Profit Organizations, Fair Housing Agencies, Other Community Groups
PRESENTATION SLIDES: Agency Input Session 2023 02 07-10am
- Tuesday, February 7, 2023 – 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm: Local government municipalities
PRESENTATION SLIDES: Gaston County Municipalities Input Session 2023 02 07-1pm
- February 9, 2023: Deadline to receive all comments for the draft plan.
- February 10 – 21, 2023: City staff will use comments received along with statistical data to prepare a draft plan.
- February 23, 2023, 6pm: Conduct an in-person Community Meeting to present the draft plan and obtain final comments
Location: City of Gastonia Adult Recreation Center
Address: 519 W. Franklin Blvd., Gastonia, NC 28052
- February 22, 2023 – March 10, 2023: Public Comment Period-The draft plan will be available for citizen comments for a 15-day period.
- March 9, 2023, 12 - 2pm : Virtual Public Hearing
- March 10, 2023: Written comments due by 5 pm
- March 21, 2023: Submit to Gastonia City Council for approval
- March 24, 2023: Submit document to HUD for review and approval
- April 18, 2023: HUD approved allocation plan
For additional details on housing or homeless assistance please visit the HUD website.