Code Enforcement

The City of Gastonia Code Enforcement Division investigates violations and enforces the following city-wide ordinances:
Minimum Housing
The City of Gastonia has adopted minimum standards of maintenance for housing and property within the City limits. All housing must be maintained in a safe, sound and sanitary condition. Property owners are ultimately responsible for the maintenance of their properties. However, tenants are responsible for keeping their residence clean, sanitary and free of trash and debris. The City’s Minimum Housing Ordinance also requires that occupied dwellings have all appropriate utilities connected
Public Nuisance / Weeded Lots
In the event a property is found in violation of the Minimum Housing, Public Nuisance, or Weeded Lot Ordinance, its owner is notified of the violation(s) and must take steps to bring it into compliance. Failure to bring the property into compliance may result in fines and/or removal of the violation(s) at the owner’s expense. The City may demolish a substandard house, contract to have a weeded lot cut, or to have a public nuisance removed.
Junk, Hazardous and Abandoned Motor Vehicles
The Code Enforcement Division also enforces the City of Gastonia’s Junk, Hazardous and Abandoned Motor Vehicle Ordinance. It requires that all vehicles be properly licensed and operable or stored in accordance with the Ordinance’s guidelines. Vehicles which are inoperable or not currently licensed may be stored inside of an enclosed garage or storage building. One such vehicle may be stored in the rear yard of a residence if it is covered with an approved car cover and the area around the vehicle is properly maintained. Failure to comply with this ordinance can result in the City removing the vehicle from the property.
The City of Gastonia Livestock Ordinance requires all livestock located inside of the City limits to be permitted according to strict guidelines. Permits may be obtained by submitting an application to the Code Enforcement Division and meeting the setback and maintenance requirements for the particular type of livestock. Neighbors of the property are contacted for additional input regarding any nuisances the livestock may present. Upon meeting all of the requirements, a permit will be issued for a specific type and number of livestock to be located on that parcel of land. Permits are not transferable between locations or types of livestock.
The City of Gastonia Code Enforcement and Police Department coordinates efforts in regards to enforcing the abatement of graffiti on private property, including but not limited to structures, bridge construction, retaining walls, streets & sidewalks. Property owners are urged to remove the graffiti as quickly as possible to alleviate the negative effects of visual litter caused by these actions.   
Domesticated Animals & Pets
Gaston County Animal Control enforces all ordinances regarding domesticated pets (including ducks, pot-bellied pigs & other types of pets).  The City of Gastonia has regulations regarding the need and placement of dog houses, damage caused to private property due to pet excrement, and smell & other nuisance caused by the placement of these animals.
Offices for Code Enforcement are located in the Garland Municipal Business Center at 150 S. York Street on the first floor.
Contact Information:
Garland Municipal Business Center
150 S. York Street, Gastonia, NC  28052
(PO Box 1748, Gastonia, NC  28053-1748)
704-866-6729 (office)
704-836-0010 (fax)
Email Us


Gastonia, N.C., just minutes west of Charlotte, is one of the area’s best places to live and work with an ideal combination of location, size and livability. Gastonia is the largest of Gaston County’s 13 municipalities and one of the largest cities in the Charlotte metropolitan area. Selected as an All-America City three times, Gastonia’s desirable quality of life is the result of its beautiful natural surroundings, friendly neighborhoods, responsive government and vibrant business environment.


✆ 704-866-6714

⟟ 181 S. South Street
Gastonia, NC 28052