The City of Gastonia issues driveway permits for driveway aprons (the portion inside the street right of way). Driveway Permits are not required for portions outside of the street right of way.
Commercial driveway aprons located on NCDOT streets will require an NCDOT permit.
Please note that there are minimum insurance requirements for performing work inside the City right of way. Please contact the City Engineering Department for these requirements.
A formal encroachment agreement is required for any construction/installation that would extend into the City’s right of way or easement.
Please contact the City Engineering Division below if you have questions related to driveways or encroachments.
Contact Information
Garland Municipal Business Center
150 S. York Street, Gastonia, NC 28052
(PO Box 1748, Gastonia, NC 28053-1748)
704-866-6943 (office)
704-854-6654 (fax)