Our experienced Electric staff members are here to assist you with a variety of electric service issues. If you are experiencing an outage in one area of your home, check your breakers. If you are experiencing flickering or dimming lights, this could indicate a poor connection in the service line.
Tree Trimming
Tree limbs are often one of the biggest culprits in damaged electrical lines. The City of Gastonia has prescribed guidelines that are used by crews assigned to trim trees.
The City Arborist is available to evaluate trees on City property or on City right-of-ways that may create a safety hazard to citizens or create a sight problem at intersections.
Information on Underground Electric
Customers who are interested in better protection from interruptions of electric service by Mother Nature may want to consider underground conversion.
Customers who have overhead electric service have a greater chance of having their service interrupted by natural causes such as wind and animals. Tree limbs and squirrels are often the biggest culprits in damaged service lines. For those reasons, some customers opt to have the service line to the property buried underground to improve reliability of service.
Fees for an underground conversion start at $300. This includes digging the ditch for the service line, burying the line, covering the line and filling in the ditch. If, however, crews have to dig under driveways, flower beds, sidewalks, etc. additional fees may be added. The customer may waive the fees by assuming all labor associated with digging in his/her own service ditch.
Utility Locates
Before starting any home improvement projects that involve digging, be sure to contact an underground line locating service to find out if there are any buried lines or cables in the area. By calling 811, you can avoid potentially hazardous situations such as causing an explosion by cutting a gas line or causing a wide spread power outage by slicing through an electric line when digging.
This service will contact all local utilities that might have underground lines running through the area that you are planning to dig.
Know what’s below…call 811 before you dig!
Request Temporary Electric Line Removal
Customers may request to have the electric service line temporarily dropped or covered while performing work at their home such as siding, painting, and tree trimming. This is a free service offered by the City of Gastonia for the safety of our customers.
Please contact Electric Utilities for any of these requests for assistance with your electric Service. Offices for Electric Utilities are located in the Municipal Operations Center located at 1300 N. Broad Street.
Contact Information:
Municipal Operations Center
1300 N. Broad Street, Gastonia, NC 28054
(PO Box 1748, Gastonia, NC 28053-1748)
704.866.6823 (Automated Reporting)
704.836.0055 (fax)