HDC Maps

Locally Designated Historic Districts

As of 2007, two areas have been designated as locally designated historic districts: Brookwood Historic District and the York-Chester Historic District.

Brookwood Property Map (Interactive)     BrookwoodIntCover
Brookwood Map  B Map 
York-Chester Property Map (Interactive)     York chesterIntCover
York-Chester Map YC Map


National Register Historic Districts

The National Register of Historic Places is a federal program administered by the National Park Service in partnership with state governments to recognize and protect properties of historic and cultural significance that warrant consideration in federal undertakings, such as highway construction and urban renewal projects, and to provide incentives for local and private preservation initiatives. National Register listing is primarily an honor, meaning that a property has been researched and evaluated according to established procedures and determined to be worthy of preservation for its historical value.

Listing in the National Register does not obligate or restrict a private owner in any way unless the owner seeks a federal benefit such as a grant or tax credit. For a private owner, the chief practical benefit of National Register listing is eligibility for a 20% federal investment tax credit that can be claimed against the cost of a certified rehabilitation of an income-producing historic building. There is also a 20% "piggyback" North Carolina investment tax credit for income-producing historic properties, and a 30% state credit for non-income-producing historic properties.

National Register Historic Districts within the City of Gastonia include:


For more information on the Historic Districts, see the Quick Links section to the right.

The Planning Department is located at Garland Municipal Business Center at 150 S. York Street on the second floor.
Contact Information:
Garland Municipal Business Center
150 S. York Street, Gastonia, NC 28052
(PO Box 1748, Gastonia, NC  28053-1748)
704.854.6605 (office)
704.869.1960 (fax)



Gastonia, N.C., just minutes west of Charlotte, is one of the area’s best places to live and work with an ideal combination of location, size and livability. Gastonia is the largest of Gaston County’s 13 municipalities and one of the largest cities in the Charlotte metropolitan area. Selected as an All-America City three times, Gastonia’s desirable quality of life is the result of its beautiful natural surroundings, friendly neighborhoods, responsive government and vibrant business environment.


✆ 704-866-6714

⟟ 181 S. South Street
Gastonia, NC 28052