Street Resurfacing
The City contracts with an independent consultant every three years to evaluate each street and provide a rating, called the Pavement Condition Index (PCI) that is used to determine the City’s annual pavement management program. You can see the street ratings here. City of Gastonia - Pavement Map
Request Street Sweeping
The City’s street sweepers operate on a routine schedule but can be requested when there is significant mud, debris, or a garbage spill on a City street.
Report a Pothole
Contact Customer Service in the Public Works Division at 704-866-6843.
Or you can click the link: Report a pothole
Report a Sight Obstruction in a Right-of-Way
Contact Customer Service in the Code Enforcement Section at 704-866-6729 or 704-866-6760.
Report Curb or Sidewalk that Needs Repair
The City maintains more than 300 miles of sidewalks. Concrete is normally poured when temperatures are between 32 and 90 degrees.
Report Problem with Pavement Markings
Problems with pavement markings on any street within the City limits can be reported to Customer Service in the Public Works Division at 704-866-6843. If the street is a state-maintained road, the information will be forwarded to the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT).
Report Damaged Sign
Damaged or missing signs within the City limits should be reported to Customer Service in the Public Works Division at 704-866-6843. In County areas, the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) maintains regulatory signs and damage to these signs should be reported to 704-922-3777. Gaston County maintains street name marker signs in the county, to report damage, call 704-866-3530.
Report Traffic Signal Problem
Traffic signal problems may be reported 24 hours a day. If there is a power outage and traffic signals are affected, the Police Department will be notified.
Street Lighting
A request for installation of new street lights is submitted by petition from residents who live on the street.
Request A New Sign
The installation of a new traffic or street sign is based on various factors that would affect the safety and efficiency of the location. Some of these factors include the existing traffic control, type of roadway, surrounding development and sight distance. Contact Customer Service in Engineering at 704-866-6843.
Request New Traffic Signal
The installation of a new traffic signal is evaluated based on federal guidelines that take into account factors such as hourly traffic volumes, peak hour volumes, pedestrian volumes and vicinity of schools. These guidelines are used nationwide to ensure consistency in traffic control. Contact Customer Service in Engineering at 704-866-6843.
Request Speed Limit Reduction
The speed limit within the City limits is 35 miles per hour, unless otherwise posted. Residents can request a reduction of the speed limit on their neighborhood street to 25 miles per hour by submitting a petition. The petition requires the signatures of the majority of the residents along the subject street. The petition form is provided below. Contact Customer Service in Engineering at 704-866-6943.
Request On-Street Parking & No Parking Zone
Residents can request the City to either allow or prohibit on-street parking on their street by submitting a petition. The petition has to be signed by the majority of the residents, either owners or tenants, of the street. The petition form is provided below. Contact Customer Service in Engineering at 704-866-6943.
Request a Speed Hump
A speed hump can be requested, from a resident or neighborhood representative. A request form is provided below. City staff evaluates the request based on a list of criteria approved by City Council, which can also be found below. In the same document is a list of the advantages and disadvantages of speed humps. If all criteria are met, a petition will be forwarded to the representative to complete and return to the City. Contact Customer Service in Engineering at 704-866-6943.
Municipal Operations Center
1300 N. Broad Street, Gastonia, NC 28054
(PO Box 1748, Gastonia, NC 28053-1748)
704-866-6843 (office)
704-867-0120 (fax)