Category 1: Severe threat to existing structures—up to $50,000
Category 2: Medium threat to existing structures—up to $30,000
Category 3: No threat to existing structures—up to $10,000
Storm Drain Extension Policy
The Storm Drain Extension Program offers a wide range of solutions to repair damage due to increased run-off. The program provides a financial partnership between the City and property owner, allowing more flexibility and a faster time schedule for completion. In this program, property owners pay the material cost and the City provides the installation. Repair options range from open swales with plantings up to pipe solutions. Visit our FAQ page for more information about our stormwater department!
Duharts Creek Critical Infrastructure Protection and Stream Restoration Project
Stay up to date on the latest project happenings and be informed about key milestones and dates. More information coming soon!
Click here to learn more!
Offices for Stormwater Services are located in the Municipal Operations Center located at 1300 N. Broad Street. '
To report a problem with the stormwater system, use the contact information below.
Assistant Director of Public Works: Robert Cloninger
Stormwater Utility Administrator: Danon Lawson
Municipal Operations Center
1300 N. Broad Street, Gastonia, NC 28054

704-869-1063 (office)
704-869-1945 (fax)