Transportation Bond Referendum Projects

Bond Referendum Logo Revised

What's New and What's News?

The City of Gastonia is making major progress on transportation improvement since 67% of voters approved a General Obligation Bond for Transportation in November 2022. In 2023, about 40 miles of streets were resurfaced and about 25 miles will be completed in the next 2 months.

Take a look at the street list to see what streets are scheduled next! 

First Phase of Transportation Bond Referendum Projects Has Started!

City of Gastonia residents approved a $75 million Transportation General Obligation Bond Referendum last November with almost 70% of the vote. The City is in the first phase of implementing those transportation projects that will enhance the City’s infrastructure and make conditions safer. The bonds will be issued in two parts. City leaders believe that Gaston County property values will increase and produce revenue from growth to fund the bond debt without an increase to the tax rate. The bonds must be repaid within 20 years and expended within 10 years from approval.


How's it going?

The first phase of the bond projects will use approximately $10 million to resurface more than 30 miles of streets and repairing roadway manholes. City staff and engineering consultants evaluated the current condition of city-maintained streets to prepare the initial 2023 Resurfacing List. The project began earlier this year and as a result, will resurface more than 10% of city-maintained streets when complete. 

  • Street repaving began earlier this year and we are making great progress.
  • Take a look at the video below to see some streets that have gotten some TLC (Tender Loving Care) already!

There's more!

  • A second phase of street resurfacing for fiscal year 2024 for approximately $10 million.
  • A contract with McAdams Engineering to study areas within ¼ mile of schools and parks in Gastonia for safety improvements, connectivity, parking facilities, signage, and aesthetics. Work to begin later this year.
  • A contract with LaBella Associates to develop a plan to repair more than 100 roadway manholes. Work to begin later this year.
  • Improve pavement markings and striping on many City streets. Work to begin later this year.
  • A study to improve safety and congestion for intersections in the City and leverage NCDOT funding.
  • A study to identify important roadway improvements in the City, such as widening or extensions that will improve safety, congestion, and connectivity.

Click here to see a news story about the bond projects on WCNC-TV.


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2022 Transportation General Obligation Bond Referendum: PASSED
City of Gastonia residents voted on a $75 million Transportation General Bond Obligation Referendum, which passed on the November 8 election ballot. The City Council approved the bond referendum at its August 2 meeting and now. 

See a PowerPoint presentation with more details about the Bond Referendum.

What is a general obligation bond?
A general obligation bond is a common type of municipal bond that is secured by a state or local government's pledge to use available resources, including tax revenues, to repay bond holders. Basically, the purpose is to borrow money with a promise to repay it with interest on a specific date. These bonds require voters to approve them. Voter-approved bonds are the most affordable and most effective way to finance projects like these.

Why do we need a bond referendum now?
Our City Council has been considering these improvements to our City for a long time. The bond referendum, if approved, would allow the City to get ahead of projects that need attention now instead of waiting many years in the future.

What will the City's bonds be used for?
Potential projects that could be funded by the bond referendum:

  • Street Repaving: $15-20 million
  • Intersection Improvements: $20 million
  • Safety Improvements Around Schools & Parks: $10 million
  • Sidewalks and Pedestrian Safety: $5 million
  • Roadway Manhole Cover Repairs: $2-5 million
  • Planning and Early Engineering for Future Road Projects: $5 million
  • I-85 Widening Utility Relocation and Design Enhancements: $10 million

How will the bonds be repaid and will my taxes increase?
City leaders believe that if Gaston County property tax valuations increase 20% to 25% than the current value, along with revenue from growth, this could pay for the bonds and may not require a property tax rate increase to residents. The City also wants to leverage federal funding with local match dollars.

When must the bonds be repaid?
The bonds must be repaid within 20 years.

When will the proceeds be expended?
The proceeds will be expended within 10 years from approval.

What other ways is the City working to help with these projects?

The bond referendum will pay for most of the improvements and the City is partnering with the US Department of Transportation and North Carolina Department of Transportation as well to work on many projects related to utility relocations and betterments along Interstate 85.

Will I have a chance to say what projects I think are good ones for the bond?
Residents can take this online survey to share their comments about projects being considered for funding.

The City has many existing needs to address, along with improvements necessary to facilitate continued growth and maintain the City’s valuable assets.


Gastonia, N.C., just minutes west of Charlotte, is one of the area’s best places to live and work with an ideal combination of location, size and livability. Gastonia is the largest of Gaston County’s 13 municipalities and one of the largest cities in the Charlotte metropolitan area. Selected as an All-America City three times, Gastonia’s desirable quality of life is the result of its beautiful natural surroundings, friendly neighborhoods, responsive government and vibrant business environment.


✆ 704-866-6714

⟟ 181 S. South Street
Gastonia, NC 28052