No Bags | Loose at Curb for Collection | Yard Waste Cart |
Leaf Collection Season Is November 4th to February 14th
During leaf season, leaves are picked up at least twice per month. However, during peak times (the Week of Thanksgiving through New Year), EXPECT DELAYS.
Do's and Don'ts of Our Leaf Season
Leaf Collection Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Use Our New Interactive Leaf Collection Map Here
What can I do during leaf season to help the crews pick up my leaves?
- Rake leaves into a loose pile at the curb. Please do not bag the leaves.
- Keep leaf piles separate from other yard debris and excess garbage, including branches, twigs, etc.
- If leaves are placed in a yard waste cart, that will be collected on your regular garbage/yard waste cart collection day
- You can drop off your leaves at Duke Street Resource Center free of charge.
What do I do after leaf season?
- Leaves can be put in a yard waste cart or 32-gallon container to be collected as yard waste.
- Leaves left curbside during this time frame must be scheduled for collection with the Solid Waste Division for a $25 fee.
**Inclement weather and holidays may cause delays.
Can I see when my leaves will be picked up?
- Yes, you can find real time updates with our new interactive map or on the Wastewise app. Click here or the photo of the map to activate the tool.
Download the Waste Wise App or visit our website to get up-to-date leaf collection information.